Here are some common questions about our cleaning services. Let us know if you have any other inquiries.

What towns do you service?

We are now currently servicing, Helotes, Universal City, Balcones Heights, Alamo Heights, Boerne, and all around San Antonio. Please check our Facebook page for frequent updates of the next cities that Multitasking will be serviced next.

What all is included in your cleaning service?
Do you furnish the cleaning supplies?

Yes, we provide all necessary cleaning supplies and equipment for our services. You don't need to worry about a thing!

Do I need to do anything before you arrive?

Please review the contract carefully and ensure clear communication with our cleaning team regarding building access and security procedures. This will help guarantee a smooth and safe cleaning experience.

Will I have the same cleaning person each visit?

Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with having the same trusted cleaner for each visit. We understand the importance of building a positive relationship with those who care for your workspace.

What will is cost to have my space cleaned

Our pricing is tailored to your specific needs, factoring in the size of your space and the desired services. For a personalized quote, please provide additional details in the "Additional Comments" section. A complimentary on-site assessment is recommended to ensure accurate pricing and service customization.

Can you handle large-scale cleaning projects?

Absolutely. We have experience handling large-scale cleaning projects, such as post-construction cleaning or deep cleaning.

Do you provide green cleaning options?

Yes, we offer environmentally friendly cleaning products and practices upon request